Monday 26 October 2009

Cat :3 and more singing!!

Now when Anette had a cat-thing going on, I just have to talk about them, too :3
Anyway.. uh.
Yeah, I'd REAAAALLY like a cat.. they're really cute and playful and aw :)
But my dad is allergic to all sorts of fur, so farewell cute kittehs :< I always say I'm going to buy one when I move away from home, but I don't know whether I'll have too little time to take care of it and so on, so forth.. And I don't know if Aleksi wants one :<
Murh. It'll end worse than I thought... >.< The cat-thing I mean :o

BUT! Today I had (again) singing lesson, and it went AWESOME! :D She actually said I sang Sleeping Sun "Wow!!"-ly :D But I just did it once, then I lost it again :( But she said once I've found it once it'll be easier to find it next time! :) So yay ^^ Next time I'll sing (if I find) A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton. :) I know it's "pop", but at least this is one of the songs you can actually listen to! Seriously. And this one actually has drums and guitar and everything, thank God..
So let's see if I'll find the chords to that one..


1 comment:

  1. Så du sjunger också? :D Gör jag med ju! Kan ge dig lite tips då jag har en del erfarenhet då jag också tagit sånglektioner osv..
