Sunday 29 November 2009

First of Advent

Or something. :)
Today my uncle became a Bishop of Borgå Stift! :D Or actually he was chosen in September, but now he officially became the bishop :) So we were on the ceremony or something to see :) We were on the last row, and that sucks.
Other than that I didn't do anything today. I just sat and watched Friends on dvd. I really regret I didn't ask Aleksi to come over. =(
Right now I'm watching The one with the football =) It's one of my favourite eoisodes from the third year.
Yes, nothing interesting.


  1. Trevligt :) Jag har varit med max, tiitat på Moonlight och druckit smoothie (stavas hur?) hela dagen. Det var trelivgt, mindre trevligt när han satte sig på tåget hem :(

  2. Smoothie stavas så, alldeles rätt :)
    Awh, sånt är hemskt :/
    Vad för film är Moonlight? :o
