Sunday 20 December 2009
Raskasta Joulua!
I have photos on bilddagboken and Facebook, so you'll just have to look there >:) I put some here, though :) Just because..
Monday 14 December 2009
It was AMAZING! We watched the rehearsals for the play Bunden. I already thought the play was good before today, but it really is GREAT! If you only read it it might not sound that great, but when you see the rehearsals, wow!
It's mainly about a boy who gets into bad company, and his dad, who tries to help him.
Yeah, I know, that sounded boring, didn't it, but it's actually good!
I'm really sorry, I don't have anything more for today.
Friday 11 December 2009
Raskasta Joulua (Heavy Christmas \,,/)
And right now I'm listening to the cd's ^^ Raskasta and Raskaampaa Joulua ^^ THEY ROCK! :D
En Etsi Valtaa, Loistoa - J. Ahola (Giv Mig Ej Glans, Ej Guld, Ej Prakt)
Sunday 6 December 2009
Hurra hurra hurra, för idag är det Finlands självständighetsda'! :D
92 i år! Jag är stolt över vårt land, det finns inget bättre!
Idag är det dessutom bal på slottet, och vi får kika efter den nya biskopen (och vår farbror) Björn OCH Faffa vår, John :) Och så ska man ju se på alla fina klänningar som finns :3 (och tyvärr alla mindre fina). Undrar om Ville Valo är i år igen :o Han har varit några år.. Tycker i alla fall att han var förra året. Jaja.
Det där min Finlandsflagga som vi köpte då jag var i England för första gången 2005, för att titta på kvinnornas EM i fotboll :) Då vi köpte den var den längre än mig.. Undrar om den fortfarande är längre.. :o
Saturday 5 December 2009
First "gig" by myself! :D
Before the show (or something) we went christmas+birthday-shopping with Fridas godmother :) I got a really cute tunika from KappAhl! ^^ It's really christmas-y, and I really like it! Should take a picture.. I wore it on the concert, and it felt great! Frida got this really nice dress from Halonen. It was originally 75.50€ (or something like that), but they had some kind of sale so it only cost 22.50€!! Wow!
Ghost Love Score (Live) - Nightwish (End of an Era)
Tuesday 1 December 2009
Christmas-feelis (jag vet, jag vet!)
Today it was DARK, I tell you! At 12:00 it was like a summernight.. Not midsummer, but the rest. It was kind of creepy, but it was probably because it was raining a part of the day. Most of the day. Anyway.
Oh, and one more thing to celebrate! I had my last test today! :D It was modersmål (svenska) and.. uh.. I suck at it, for some reason :S I used to be good at it, but now I suck at it :< It sucks.
But otherwise it's great, nothing more to think about, except for swimmingcooper tomorrow D: and that's hell, I really suck at swimming, too >.< =/ But I might survive *head bob* x)
Oh, and the Vista hates me.
OH, and I should write something in Swedish for a change.. Or I should have a Swedish blogg, too :S
OHOH! And I'm reading Breaking Dawn again. >.< Jacob's part is the best.
Sunday 29 November 2009
First of Advent
Today my uncle became a Bishop of Borgå Stift! :D Or actually he was chosen in September, but now he officially became the bishop :) So we were on the ceremony or something to see :) We were on the last row, and that sucks.
Other than that I didn't do anything today. I just sat and watched Friends on dvd. I really regret I didn't ask Aleksi to come over. =(
Right now I'm watching The one with the football =) It's one of my favourite eoisodes from the third year.
Yes, nothing interesting.
Friday 20 November 2009
Next week..
Oh, and I got REALLY confused today, when I read Hufvudstadsbladet (HBL). They had a review of New Moon (you know >.<), and they said it was good and blahblah. AND. They gave it TWO STARS. OUT OF FIVE. What??? They praise it and give it two stars. Uh.. Even movies they say aren't that great they give at least three.. Weird :S Pretty funny.. But still weird.
Thursday 12 November 2009
At first I thought it would be boring, since paintings aren't that fun to watch, I think. It depends, of course, but today I was tired..
Anyway, I liked it :) it was weird, but imaginative. I didn't like the surrealism that much, because I thought he could do much more beautiful paintings than those surrealistic, according to the other paintings.
We didn't know when we could leave, so we went through the show pretty fastly, and then went home. And here I am now.
Monday 9 November 2009
I want ice-cream :<
Saturday 7 November 2009
One thing and another.
¡Hola guapas!
I have nowadays THREE blogs! This one and two more for school, Mediatystnad and Dramabunden, where I'm going to write modersmål-things and drama-things :) I think it's great, so people get to write things.. :) We have to write two things and comment on three things. I wrote one thing today to Mediatystnad and commented on another. I think they all will think I'm a freak, but that doesn't matter.. I still like the blogs ^^
Oh, and the EMP-calatog came two days ago, and it's really sad to look into it, because it has SO DARN MANY things I want.. Why can't cool corsettes and things go on me? :<>
at 18:30 I'll have soccertraining, so see you then someday, I have to get ready.
Oh, and I had to change my name, because otherwise the others won't know who I am.. :o
//LeithinanTuesday 3 November 2009
After school I went to Itäkeskus (Östra Centrum/Itis) to see if Anttila had Arn: Riket Vid Vägens Slut. I searched for well a long time, and before I FINALLY found it I had found 2 (or actually 3, no wait 4!) movies I liked. I found Robin Hood: Men in Tights and Citizen Kane. Citizen Kane because everyone says it's a classic, and I haven't seen it, and Men in Tights, because I've looked for it about 2 years without finding it. (The two others were Orpokoti [That Spanish movie, I can't remember what it's name is not in Spanish nor in English] and some Scary Movie-y type movie, by the same who made Scary Movie) So at first I didn't find Arn at all, but after a long search I found it (btw, Tuntematon Sotilas var på "Uutuuksia" XD Den filmen är about 30 år gammal), right beside the first Arn movie :)
So everything fine. Except that I'm hungry, but can't eat, for some reason. I just want porridge, but I made that already, and it turned out pretty nasty-looking.. Just have to wait for mom to come home.. And who knows how long that'll take >__<
Strangelove - Northern Kings
Thursday 29 October 2009
To hell with this world
Why are you then still reading?
Förlåt, jag drar det här på svenska. Sluta läsa.
Tydligen har jag ingen som förstår mig helt, eller ens lite. Min familj tycker helt klart att jag är en idiot för att jag har en tävling om allting. Är det så svårt att acceptera att jag är sån? Jag kan inte göra nåt åt det. Världen formar mig, precis som vatten och vind formar berg. Vad kan jag göra? Jag kan inte ändra mig på två sekunder. Inte på några dagar eller till och med veckor. Tyck då att jag är en idiot för den jag är.. Men kom inte och påstå nåt annat då. Men förstår verkligen ingen att jag inte alltid vill vara sämst på allt? Inte ens inom min familj är jag bäst på nåt. JAG VET JAG VET. Det är ingen tävling, man ska inte mäta sig med äldre, eller med någon alls, bara med sig själv blablabla. Jag vet inte varför jag tycker såhär, men jag tycker nu bara det. Tycker verkligen INGEN att det är jobbigt att vara sämst på allting man gör, fast man gör sitt bästa. Förstår ni inte?
Nej. Ingen förstår. Pappa försökte. Han blev arg och störd på mig. Förstår inte en av personerna som har varit med mig i hela mitt liv förstår ingen annan. Varför?
Temple of the evil, temple of the weak, no one knows how bad she feels.
No, I'm not a stranger among the people in here, yet I have never felt so alone.
Never opened myself this way.
Don't try to understand, since you clearly hate me.
Förlåt om jag har sårat nån, men ni skulle inte läsa det här.
Wednesday 28 October 2009
This week
today: Dance
tomorrow: Psychology-questioning.
friday: To HÖSTDAGARNA in Tampere, Finland!!! <3 It's a christian meeting with people from all over the Swedishspeaking part of Finland. You might think this sounds boring, but it really isn't! Everyone's really nice and has a wonderful time there. And this year I'm going to a metal-workshop, which, I'm sure, is going to be really a lot of fun! Hopefully.. I always ruin something in the end.
Tuesday 27 October 2009
You think I'm weird or an idiot because I did this, too bad, 'cause I am. I don't know why I did it, why I didn't just go in or somewhere else. I just didn't.
I asked and answered a lot of questions while standing there, and understood a whole lot of things. I'm sorry, I won't share anything. But I can say that I sung about 6 songs while standing there. Just because I wanted time to move faster. And I got something.. I understood.
"A five year old, winterheart."
Monday 26 October 2009
Cat :3 and more singing!!
Anyway.. uh.
Yeah, I'd REAAAALLY like a cat.. they're really cute and playful and aw :)
But my dad is allergic to all sorts of fur, so farewell cute kittehs :< I always say I'm going to buy one when I move away from home, but I don't know whether I'll have too little time to take care of it and so on, so forth.. And I don't know if Aleksi wants one :<
Murh. It'll end worse than I thought... >.< The cat-thing I mean :o
BUT! Today I had (again) singing lesson, and it went AWESOME! :D She actually said I sang Sleeping Sun "Wow!!"-ly :D But I just did it once, then I lost it again :( But she said once I've found it once it'll be easier to find it next time! :) So yay ^^ Next time I'll sing (if I find) A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton. :) I know it's "pop", but at least this is one of the songs you can actually listen to! Seriously. And this one actually has drums and guitar and everything, thank God..
So let's see if I'll find the chords to that one..
Thursday 22 October 2009
Trees are dropping their leaves.
Yesterday we had bandpractise, where we decided on a name and which song we should play, since we AGAIN changed it.. Oh well. It's better this way, I think.
Anyway, we decided to play The Kinslayer by Nightwish (okay, haha, I'm going to sing it O.o'). I really didn't have anything to say about it.. I Like Kinslayer, I mean it's not one of my favourite's, and I mightn't have chosen it, but otherwise, fine. I liked Unchain the Rain by Altaria, too, but it has a male leadsinger, so it probably wouldn't sound so good if I sung that.. *sigh*
But I'm going to look for the.. uh.. notes for it, and probably some others.
Tuesday 20 October 2009
Black Silk + Dance
The year before that it was Tomb Raider-music ^^' And before that Jennifer Lopez' "Play". And this year it's "Krazy" by someone (I don't know :P) and "Maniac" by Michael Sembello from Flashdance!! :D
I know, these doesn't sound like so great when you just listen to them, but when Nikke (danceteacher, she's awesome! And crazy! :D) make a dance to them it's wonderful! You just float along with it, and start loving some of them (if you haven't already loved them :P)!
Saturday 17 October 2009
I installed Paint Shop Pro on the Vista, and it seemed to work, so nice. yay.
I want to play TheSims2. :( But we haven't installed it since the Vista came back, and I don't know where my sister keeps the savingfiles we'll add after we install it.. Sadly enough all our "new" families died with the Vista. :<
Thursday 15 October 2009
Good morning, good morning
Freedom! No school today, it's "autumnbreak"! (Höstlov) It's so nice, nothing to worry about, since we don't have any homework, of course, and no reading to tests! It feels better than ever before! :D
This weekend will look like:
Today: To Aleksi.
Friday: To Turku/Åbo, we'll go there with my whole family.
Saturday: Still Turku, but on my way back
Sunday: Nothing.. :S
Anyway, I promised I'll add a photo of the autograph :3
//Leithinan :)
Wednesday 14 October 2009
Anette Olzon's autograph....
You will get a picture tomorrow, it's too late now.. :)
Thanks to Anette also, who had the energy.. :]
The testweek went well, so far, nothing too bad.
Allright, ten is the best grade, 4 is the worst, so you can pretty much think out how this works.
One 10, one 8+, one 7 and one 10,5 points out of 15 (yes, you can figure this one out, but she said she didn't say how much percent you had to have if you want to pass the test.. :)
So, so far pretty good, let's see how the Finnish and English went.. On Monday, see you then. *cool music playing*
I don't know, don't ask :D
Mah :o
I am, again, sitting in the computer classroom, since I have a free hour, because I haven't got a subject in position 3. So now I have a nice slow hour in the computer class.
Mah. I actually like these computers better than the laptop at home, these are much faster ;D And our Vista is pretty weird sometimes. Like the internet doesn't always work and so on, so forth.
So always when I have a free hour I go here.. If it's free.. Of course O.o
Tuesday 13 October 2009
confused :S
I feel the rhythm fall over me
Endless days in the warriors light
Dead in a fantasy's fire
Light a fire, burn it down
a burning feeling, oh, light of mine
My love, it feels like autumn forever
and ever, and may winter come soon.
So lost so lost so lost in dreams
I feel the rhythm fall over me
Endless days in the warriors light
Dead in a fantasy's fire
A lost life in a galaxys arms
fallen poetry, never at hand
A nightmare, a dream
fate means hate and the other way around.
So lost so lost so lost in dreams
I feel the rhythm fall over me
Endless days in the warriors light
Dead in a fantasy's fire
Forgot how to walk
forgot how to talk
How can life be so cruel? (how can life be so cruel?)
Forgot my name
forgot the same
How can life be so cruel
It's how the world works you fool!!
Sorry, I suddenly got a flash of inspiration. :o it feels awesome..
Haha, I'm going to hate this tomorrow! :D
When I read Anette Olzon's blog I somehow felt so mean and boring :/ Nothing exciting in my life at all, and it feels kind of sad..
Okay, I have my band, which isn't my band, but Aleksi's and Fille's, but I'm in it anyway.. And I should think of some music to write, but nothing comes up in my mind but boring or already-invented stuff :( It feels pretty much like hell. Sorry.
But the football/soccer training went well, I got exhausted, since I hven't played in like a week and a half, but I liked it.. It was much better than we have had in about half a year. Okay, we had Sampo, who isn't our coach, but he's sometimes our "extra-coach" when none of our other coaches can come.. He's funny, I can't understand why he's a coach, he should be a stand-up comedian!! :D
//Leithinan ^^'
Murh. I'm tired.
Monday 12 October 2009
She said I'm going forward, and that not many people get as far as I go at this point, when I have had only 3 singing lessons. ^^ Okay now I stop the bragging.. :P
I have Englishtest tomorrow, hopfully I'll write better than THIS.. Haha. Uh. Ha. >.< style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">have :'< But she said I have a really good language and everything, so it's not so bad :)
Gee, how short are my blog posts really? O.o
Unfortunately it's just sleet (snöslask/räntäsadetta) :<>.<
Snow means christmas and winter and they on the other hand mean, unfortunately, my birthday.
I know, technically I should like my birthday, but when you're turning 17 it's not much to hurray for.. :/ I don't hate my birthday, I just don't like the thought of me growing up. It's nice to get to go to concerts and so on, but I still want to be a child.. I want to play with my toys. :<
Yes, I do sound childish when I put it that way. It's just that I hate taking responsibility.. It's hard.
Ice Queen (Live) - Within Temptation (Black Symphony)
My drug today, again, is The Heart Asks Pleasure First. It's awesome ^^
I'd REALLY like to see the Black Silk-musical or dance or what it was, I'm not really sure.. But all the people (two XD) who have seen it have said it was amazing, so I'd REALLY like to go to Malmö. One slight problem.. It's frigging 400km from here! (Or more? or less? I don't know :S)
Today I have singing lesson! :D I love it, but it's really hard sometimes. Uh. All the two times I've had it :) I wanted to sing Th Swan Song by Within Temptation, since I already have Eva-Nightwish.. And Sonata Arctica's songs are a little bit too low for me :< Pöh.
Anyway, I don't have any good pictures here, so I just leave it for now.
Sunday 11 October 2009
Tacktack, ni är så söta ^^ Eller alltså :P
Sorry to all who doesn't understand Swedish and who are(n't) reading my blog :P
Okay. So I was to a meeting with my football/soccer team+the-one-year-younger team talking about the future for our teams.. I don't want anything to change.. I like us the way we are, except that we could get some of the people who used to play back.. Then we would be like a team again, now we have like 14-15 people in the team, and we need 11 of them on the field every game. We almost don't get enough people to every game. ._. Schnuft.
The Heart asks pleasure first
(Yes, I DO know Tuomas hasn't written the music)
They are awesome, so wonderful with beautiful voices in different ways. Anette's voice when she's singing and Tuomas' voice through his lyrics and music. It must be the most wonderful combination. Together with Emppu Vuorinen, Marco Hietala and Jukka Nevalainen they are together unbeatable.
The Heart Asks Pleasure First makes me nostalgic... and sad, somehow.
Thank you. With all my heart, thank you!
Sunday 4 October 2009
Thursday 1 October 2009
Pinch and a punch..
I'm sitting here in front of my computer listening to Sonata Arctica's latest album, when I should be reading history.. That's... not good.
I feel really bad for many things right now.. ((But okay, I have some good "news", too..))
I really feel like I was mean to one of my friends today... I didn't mean to, it was just as a joke, but when one of my other friends said i should stop I really felt bad.. I should have apologized. Argh, I'm stupid. Now when I think of it I should be much nicer to everyone. I take them for granted, and that's idiotic. I don't know whether they will get tired of me. Or leave.
The good news are... I got 3/3 points in an history essay we wrote ages ago! :) I thought I might get 2 or less in it, but it went that well!
The Truth is Out There - Sonata Arctica
Monday 28 September 2009
Singing lesson
Tomorrow I have UF (Ung Företagsamhet, Nuori Yrittäjäisyys) again, I had it last week, too, and this time we should think of a name for our "company" :) I'd really like to come up with something nice, that's beautiful and still smashing! Or something... ;o
I have about 20 beautiful names, which I came up with about 5 :P One of my friends came up with most of them, so I don't think I should use them, since they're actually his... :S
Hmm.. I had a really nice name, something like Explore or experience, or something with Ex-... Gah!
Well.This picture is the nicest and cutest EVER! :3 ((NOT MY PICTURE!!))
Thursday 24 September 2009
No school...
First reason: My boyfriend slept over at our house, and it was really nice to sit and talk to him while eating breakfast, when nobody else were home.
Second reason: He should get the second recommendation from our old teacher, so we can start our website-business :D
Third reason: We went to Chico's to eat, and the service was awesome! ^-^ Okay, it's always good, but today I think it was extra nice :) (it could have been because we were almost the only customers at 11am :P)
Fourth reason: We went to the movies to watch Slumdog Millionare. (Yes, I know it's pretty old, but for some reason they still play it.) It was really cute, although it was not so much drama.. I thought it was some mixture of romantic, drama and a small hint of action in it.. At least at the end. But I liked it, and that's the point. :)
So. Yesterday it was movie-evening (that actually sounds smarter in swedish, I think :S) in school, and we watched Confessions of a shopaholic and Män som hatar kvinnor. Both movies were really great, the first one funny and touching, the second one really creepy, even if it was awesome.
I don't like this sign:
Sunday 20 September 2009
It was amazing! I've never heard them play this good, and Anette sang wonderfully!
So it was perfect.. Except for some fans who think they have some right to go in front of us just because they slept over there. BIG DEAL. It's their problem if they do that. I spent 8h waiting, and I still got on the second row.. Gee. They don't have any privilegies even if they slept there. If they don't run inside, they don't get first. It's physically impossible. They think too much of themselves.
Another failure was the guy standing right in front of me. He was probably 30cm taller than me, I now he's been around Finland to almost every gig they've ever had, and still he has to be in front.. okay, it was the last gig, but still. I didn't see much, and it sucked. :<
And I wanted to give small presents to the whole Nightwish, but I didn't see them after the gig, so I couldn't that sucked even more :'/
Tuesday 15 September 2009
Exhausting :<
I used to love history, but now I hate it. The teacher is impossible, she makes interesting things so boring I actually almost fell asleep once. I don't think I'll make it through the faketest on thursday:
1) I don't understand almost anything from the book, and I should write down the important things. It's physically impossible for me.
2) I don't have time to read tomorrow. First bandpractise and then dance. Okay, I could skip bandpractise, but I wasn't there last week (soccer) and I really think I should go. God darn it.
Sorry for being so pessimistic, but I really feel bad right now. In högstadiet I got stressed at the end of the year, but now we're not even through the first period, and I'm already stressed.
It sucks :/
Sunday 13 September 2009
6 days left..
So I'm really stressed, and I thought we were going to get massaged today, but nothing is opened, so we didn't go after all. I feel really stiff, and my singing teacher told me so last week, too :/
So except for the Nightwish-gig life doesn't feel that good right now.. It could change in some hours, today morning it was all right.
Listening to: Dead to the World - Nightwish
Tuesday 8 September 2009
Good morning
Period 2 is kind of hectic; Psychology, Geography, Swedish (modersmål), some kind of healthcare-thing and gym.
I don't know what I'm going to write in the studentexamen, but modersmål I'm sure of (since we HAVE to write it 8-)), and probably math.
Gah, it really stresses me right now, and I hate myself when I'm stressed. I just wished gymnasium was over and I wouldn't have to worry for anything else than WHAT THE HECK AM I GOING TO DO WITH MY LIFE?!?! *suck* :/
Thursday 3 September 2009
Long time nothing written..
AH O__O It's Womens European Championship, and Finland is against England... and it's 3-2 to England ;___; AGAIN! Four years ago it was the exact same thing... Only in England! I was there to watch the game. GOD, please let them make a goal :(
oh! And I'm going to play with a one year younger team today :S They're in our serie, only in one higher than us, but they got something that we '93 borns can play in both teams ;o
It's the Fear - Within Temptation
Tuesday 18 August 2009
Reading Lucky Luke...
And I got an idea! I could go to sing solo to Arbis (a swedish course-thing where you can do pretty much everything. You just have to enroll to the course you want to go). It's on mondays, and I shouldn't have anything then :) Or maybe football ^o) But I'm not sure. Anyway, it would be really awesome to sing solo :) And in one you may sing in which musicstyle you like best!!! :D
Metal for me ;) \,,/
Listening to: Land of Free - Sonata Arctica
Fortunately I find most of the places already, since I went to Lower Secondary School there (or something, I couldn't find Lågstadie from the dictionary :P). :)
We had a great time talking with one of my friends, who I haven't seen in about a year (I wouldn't have seen her in 3 years, but we're in the same dancegroup :) And we got nice calenders! ^^ They were seriously nice! :) .. Just too much advertising -.-'
Oh! And we have an agreement that I should become a singing chef :DD Dunno why, I just love to sing, and cooking is fun, too, I think. Or it depends on what you're making, but Home Economics used to be my favourite class in Secondary School :) Along with music, of course :P
Tomorrow I begin my day with Swedish, which we call modersmål (mothertongue, or something like that =)
Listening to:
Vinland Saga - Leaves' Eyes/
Bless the Child (Live) - Nightwish
Monday 17 August 2009
Seriusly, THAT'S creepy!! >.<
And tomorrow it's first day of gymnasium ó_ò I'm afraid, I'm so afraid :( Everyone says it's MUCH better than Secondary school :S But I don't know. I'm still afraid. :/
Listening to: Heaven's a Lie (Live acoustic on WAAF)
Saturday 15 August 2009
And thank God...
Okay, it doesn't make me laugh like it used to but it's still good.
Have I done something to deserve this?!
But I really DO NOT LIKE THIS! She's like.. she's like.. SO godawfully annoying. I mean.. Everyone likes her, and adores her, and it really annoys me.
Okay, okay. I'm selfish. But I've seen what she does with boys. I mean: one of my friends used to be together with her, but she just hanged out with other boys, most of the time. And things she's done..
Plus, she also sings, and it's.. it's.. okay, she's awesome at it, but when everyone says it all the time. And plus that: I LOVE to sing. I don't really know if I'm good or sucks at it, but if I'm good (as some [VERY FEW] people says I am) it would REALLY be nice to hear it sometimes. Obviously I suck.
Hopefully no one reads this.
Thursday 13 August 2009
Oh no :(
I love cats, and when somebody's, who I know, cat dies it really breaks my heart (okay, I don't KNOW know her...).
The world is truly horrible too often. But that's the circle of life (to be Lion King-ish). We cannot do anything about it. And that's the worst part. We cannot do anything about it.
I hope Kulan will rest in peace. Until we meet. Farewell.
Tuesday 11 August 2009
I don't understand how someone can write something as beautiful as the intro to Ghost Love Score. It's SO DARN BEAUTIFUL. Oh, and so is Mother Earth's intro! I wish I could 8-|
Hm. I watched Made in Hong Kong (and in various other places) as I biked on the exercisebike dad got mom for christmas some years ago. So it was about 20+20 minutes exercise and then I stretched. It was bad. Really bad. Why do I keep dancing, I suck, I suck at stretching and I don't do anything right there anyway... WHY?!
Good morning!
I really miss concerts. I have to say that. Read the last post if you want to know more.
o.o One of my friends met Tarja Turunen on the airport!!! :O She has all the luck in the world with bands and so on and so forth. :o
Okay, I think Frozen sums up everything right now.
Frozen (Youtube)
Sunday 9 August 2009
At 2 I'm going to Blåbärslandet(Mustikkamaa) with my friend(s) :) Or some of my friends :S I don't know how many people are coming, exactly.. It's probably going to be fun anyway =)
So. What's on my mind today? I want to go to a concert :/ Next one will be in... 41 days! :( And I haven't seen a band live last years Ankkarock, and that's over a year!! :''/ This sucks! I wanted to go to Seinäjoki, but my parents didn't let me, and I want to go to Savonlinna, but all the tickets are since long sold out. And Sonata Arctica was yesterday in Kemi! :''/ Why do I miss all th good one's? .__. I really miss the feeling to be on a concert. *sigh* Life's a bitch, deal with it.
Link to Nightwishcountdown:
Saturday 8 August 2009
Another day
And mum's sick! :'/ That blow rocks! :( Mum's shouldn't be sick.
Anyway. I was at Aleksis today :) But then he had to go back to Assembly :/
And I'm watching it right now at
I feel safer being here, watching it from my computer at home than being there, to be honest. I'm not that good with computers, so I'll just stay at home.
Friday 7 August 2009
I'm home again..
Okay, actually, I got home yesterday. Why didn't I write something yesterday? I don't know, why don't I sing about it? (Inspiration: Nostalgia Critic: Tom&Jerry-review.)
Okay, the, um, "camp" was awesome! Really great people (mostly) and LOADS of fun! Okay I got ill at the end, but who cares? :) I couldn't even be at the last hours of last evening programme. :( That blowed rocks! (NC again). We had a lot of people who got some kind of stomache-flu, but once they threw up, they were all fine again. Fortunately!! Only I wasn't that fortunate. I still felt a little bit ill today, as I and my dad were out biking. We biked all the way from Puotila to Herttoniemi and back (~12km front and back) to visit my grandma who lives there. Then my boyfriend came over (he's at Assembly Summer '09 right now) :). So anyway. I had a lot of fun, and this day was mostly great. But I could only eat A HALF pizza, since my stomache felt weird ;___; That sucked.
Monday 27 July 2009
The songs in the video are: Beauty and the Beast, Gethsemane, Dead Boy's Poem, Bless the Child, Ghost Love Score and Escapist (if I don't remember totally wrong :)
Nightwish will live forever \,,/
I'm afraid, I'm so afraid.
Oh shit I'm going to die there -.-
Sunday 26 July 2009
Sonata Arctica-competiton
"Oh well. It sucks to be me!"
-Avenue Q OST-
Listening to Sonata Arctica's Don't Say a Word. It's amazing. Still.
HBP - again
So I have now officially watched Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. It was... Not bad, actually. Better than the others. And I actually jumped like one meter when the inferi grabbed Harry's arm :O Seriously it was pretty scary :$
Oh. And one of my friends is really weird! :) He kept taking my arm rest |/ It annoyed me. But mostly he annoyed my friend (who was sitting on the other side of him), so I survived. Yay! ^^
Oh! And when the credits to HBP came a guy shouted "This was crap!" ("Vittu toi oli paska!") :D
And at one moment I can swear the whole crowd laughed!
I can actually say the movie's worth watching. So if you like Harry Potter... This is the best to watch.
Gah, we're weird x) And now when I think about it we should film some other things too, while we remember it.
Tomorrow it's out to Lekholmen again for a confirmation. I'm like a.. uhm.. Leader there, or something. Dunno what it is in English. Isonen or hjälpis/hjälpledare anyway :)
When I was in England in June I bought Hogwarts badges for a few of my friends, plus my sister :) And now we can use them! My sister got a Hufflepuff badge (since we're both in Hufflepuff ^^), my best friend got a Hogwarts badge with all four houses, my OTHER best friend got a Gryffindor, since she likes it best and my "psychologist" got a Ravenclaw, since she's the smartest person in my age I know :) I still have the Slytherin Badge, 'cause I don't know who might want it. I could give it to one of my friends-who-is-a-boy, since he's coming to the movies with us. (y)
That's all.
Oh Welcome to my blog :)
The title on this post is from Within Temptation's song Enter. In the beginning someone (probably Robert Westerholt) says: "Oh welcome to my home" and then there is a cool drumsolo. I like that beginning, it sounds so.. um.. I don't know, but it's still awesome :)
My life goes slowly by..
Or something.
okay, sorry :) But today we're going to the movies to watch Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (from here on known as HBP). Hopefully it's better than OotP. No offence to anyone, but I think it was pretty bad. It was too much NOT the book. And that annoyed me.
But farewell for now, I say.